Monday, October 5, 2009

"Why Obama Must Follow Drucker's and Not McChrystal's Advice"

From the Huffington Post.

"We have a huge problem here in America. A great many of us think that you make something happen by... just making it happen. Literally by force of will (or, for some, prayer). Because we don't know any better, this leads to a situation in which our society -- especially the civic side -- uses the only model of organized effort we've ever experienced: the Autocracy that exists in most families.

We are raised under Father (or Mother) knows best circumstances. And if we serve in the military, that experience of "top down leadership" dynamic is reinforced... big time! And relying on this form of thinking, this form of planning, in which we "do as we're told," is sending our nation perilously close to going off a cliff (economically, environmentally, and sociologically).

But modern management theory is different. Unlike top down management, it creates an environment that fosters innovative thinking. An environment in which asking questions is actually encouraged, as well as its sister behavior: challenging conventional thinking!

This modern management-type process is what we need to make sure we do the right thing in Afghanistan.

"We, the people" and our elected representatives must support President Obama in making a decision that's wise, not fast. One that's based on asking questions -- lots of them -- not just listening to General McChrystal. General McChrystal's perspective is -- by the nature of his job -- limited and less comprehensive than that of the civilian leadership in the Obama administration."


"What I am saying -- from the perspective of modern management theory -- is that General McChrystal's request is akin to the request coming from the head of the production department of a large company, a company that is functioning in an environment that is changing in ways that go beyond how the market for the product that McChrystal's department produces is changing.

And what President Obama is doing -- as the CEO of the overall business -- is taking the request from his head of production and factoring that into the wider perspective that comes from he and his other advisors seeing that the customers for the product McChrystal produces are actually changing themselves and, perhaps, need a different product now than the one McChrystal currently produces!

It is from this larger -- and, yes, ultimately wiser -- perspective that President Obama will make his decision."

I want to know who died and made the author of this a military analyst. Obviously, he doesn't see the country through the Communist lenses that Obama does! Obama DOESN'T WANT to create jobs, or ramp up production, or anything that might release us from the grip of recession--he wants to CREATE DEPENDENCY any way he can, so THE GOVERNMENT can swoop in, save us, and clinch Democrat votes for time immemorial.

As far as running the country like a business goes, didn't we reject that notion by voting for someone other than Romney or Perot?

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