Monday, March 23, 2009

Fresh-brewed Nobama tea

Welcome to the March 23, 2009 edition of nobama blog carnival.

Hello again, patriots! Another great line-up of 'Bama-bashing bloggers, just in time for tea. (Be sure to get in on the upcoming tea parties; they're happening all over the country, so see the related article to find information about the events scheduled in your own city.)

Thank you, readers and contributors!

Rallying America

Jo oliver presents Glenn Beck and His 9/12 Project posted at Life As It Is:: "Glenn Beck's 9/12 project. Prime example of why Obama has it all wrong."

Curry Kenworthy presents Don't miss the tea party! posted at Curry Kenworthy: "Thanks to many local tea party groups and a big recent boost from the American Family Association, there will be a tea party near you. Be there!"

David Gross presents Are conservatives really “going Galt”? posted at The Picket Line: "It turns out that at least some of them really are."

Patriot Depot

Tyranny Inc.

Alli presents Does Supporting the Constitution Make Me a Terrorist? posted at The Smoking Argus: "supporters of Dr. Ron Paul, those tired of the endless banker bailouts, and just about anyone else who dare question the Federal just might be a terrorist"

The Soviet Way

Selkirk presents Obama’s Aspirational Garbage: The Politics of Blame, Spend, and Retreat posted at Political Castaway Blog: Broadcasting Conservatism to Rescue America: "Obama is leading the country into the storm drain of history—economically, culturally, and in terms of its national security."

Steve Simbeck presents This statement is more than the sum of its parse posted at No Mato mi Pavo: "The other day a New York Times reporter, in an interview on Air Force one, asked the First African American President of the United States if he was a socialist."

Tea Party Products

Economic Mayhem

Shot presents Obama buying jobs with borrowed money posted at "A cop or a firefighter no matter how much we may need him will not pay his own salary. He will either be paid from funds taken from those of us in the private sector or he will be a volunteer. Who is going to pay for those jobs when the Chinese refuse to lend us any more money?"

Jim DeSantis presents You Are A Banker And A U.S. Automaker posted at On Line Tribune | Front Page Blog: "Yes, friends, if you pay taxes here in the United States, you are now a major stockholder in U.S. Banks and Detroit."

Just for Fun

Ralph Sparkson presents Instead, It Turns Out Dick Cheney's Dog Was Darth Vader! posted at Best Funny Dog Pictures: "Turns out Dick Cheney has a sense of humor in his private life. Here are his dogs dressed up as Darth Vader and Superman."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of nobama blog carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

It's time for Nobama

Welcome to the March 6, 2009 edition of the Nobama blog carnival.

This Nobama edition is later than originally planned; my apologies for the delay.

We are facing a crucial time for America. Our liberties, our values, the lives of the vulnerable among us, and now our finances are at stake. It's a time for those who care about our country to speak out, to keep up the struggle.

We have another good lineup of commentary this time, covering the economy, big government, racial perspective, and even Obama's cell phone. Thanks to our contributors and readers, and remember to contribute to Nobama if you blog. Godspeed to all patriots!

Maintaining Liberty

Curry Kenworthy presents Never give in posted at Curry Kenworthy: "Remember who you are: a free citizen of the American Republic, not a slave and worshipper of a liberal empire."

Presidential Race

Jon Chambers presents Blind Loyalty posted at The Mind Of Jon: "I believe that too many people voted for Obama based on his race, and those are a handful of the people that I believe fall into my category of being blindly loyal."

Change Game

Matthew Roberts presents The Government of Change posted at Pretend You Read the News: "Victimization, it seems, is the surest way to political power."

Fashion Risks

Sarah Scrafford presents The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Blackberry (Obama's) posted at Masters in Criminal Justice: "security officials started to wonder at the problems having a president with an open e-mail account and Crackberry habit would start, in terms of privacy and national security vulnerability."

Economic Mayhem

Lance Cooper presents Obama's Stimulus Plan Is A Complete Joke posted at Recession Thoughts: "The president's stimulus plan is nothing more than government waste, and government waste will not 'pump prime' the economy into recovery."

Wenchypoo presents And So It Begins…Again posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket: "Do you feel like you’re in a Depression?"

Government Gone Wild

Wenchypoo presents The Pelosi-tariat and the Totalitarian Temptation posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket: "Even though Communism has proven to be an ultimate and dismal economic failure, some politicians and academics cling to the belief that they are superior to you, know more than you, are smarter than you, and can make better decisions for you than you yourself."

Wenchypoo presents The Law of Unintended Consequences Part 4 posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket: "Is this not slavery? Sure, no crops are being planted and harvested, but the seeds of dependence are sown and the political harvesters come along every two-four years to bale their contributions and votes, and haul them to market."

Until Next Time...

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Nobama blog carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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