Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome to the Nobama Carnival #7--the Resurrection

It's been a long time coming, and will be awhile more until the foundation's set, but plans are being finalized, workers are being hired, and materials are on order. The next carnival date is still in negotiation, but DO keep submitting, as Wenchypoo will also be the cleanup committee for that one as well!

Right now, there isn't much to work with due to such short notice, but away we go anyway:

From today's news
47% Will Pay No Federal Income Tax

This is probably where we're supposed to get the money to pay those public option premiums from!

Obama's Health Insurance Whopper: He's Misleading the Country on a Key Reform Proposal

"As soon as I sign this bill," President Obama promised in his prime-time address to Congress, "it will be against the law for insurance companies to drop your coverage when you get sick."

"News flash: It's already illegal for insurance companies to drop patients once they become ill. It has been for over a decade. The American people should take note, as President Obama is using this non-existent crisis to justify massive federal intervention in America's health sector."

Obama's Plan B on Greenhouse Gases

"The Obama administration prefers that Congress establish rules to curb carbon emissions. But just in case lawmakers don't act, the agency is readying plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act."

Obama Chases Olympic Bauble While U.S. Burns--more on this later in the carnival Remember how I said I smelled the stink of corruption? Glenn Beck found the source.

Carnival submissions
Allen Scott of asks What's the Hurry? and says, "brevity is the soul of wit."

Scott Spiegel asks Why Are There No Lilting Sambas About the Junkie From Fuller Park? He lists 16 reasons why Chicago shouldn't get the 2016 games, #16 being the most damning: "Michelle Obama said in her Copenhagen speech this week that holding the Olympics in Chicago might inspire another child there to become the next… Barack Obama."

Like we need ANOTHER one!

So much for the relevant submissions--now onto the Chicago Summer Games corruption stink! Glenn Beck lays it all out on this video.

Who is Valerie Jarrett? video--she's one of the Top 10 corrupt politicos, and she's Obama right-hand, woman. Watching Glenn Beck will keep you better informed about Obama's goings-on than anything else will.

As for the indoctrination of our kids, here are my prior posts.

My solution to the health care reform "crisis."

This concludes our hastily-assembled carnival. Please submit your submission for next time--either the 3rd week of October, or the first of November (still in dispute), but I will again be the host. Send me some carnival love!!

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