Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama in the Footsteps of George W. Bush

From Reuters.

"But like his predecessor, who was resented in much of the world, Obama is running into foreign policy problems as resistant to humility and the collective action the president often conjures as they were resistant to Bush's unilateral approach. Does Obama's rock star-like celebrity help?

So far, not really. In Germany, for example, 93 percent of those polled in a survey by the Pew Global Attitudes Project said they had confidence the U.S. president would do the right thing in world affairs. Would that translate into more German troops for the war in Afghanistan which is unpopular in Germany? Not likely.

In his speech to the United Nations, Obama pointed out that American unilateral actions had fed "an almost reflexive anti-Americanism, which too often has served as an excuse for collective inaction." While anti-Americanism may be on the wane in many parts of the world, there is no sign of a corresponding increase of support for U.S. foreign policy on key issues.

Nor is there evidence of a wholesale decline in the tendency of a good number of U.S. political figures to assume that people from other countries think like Americans. That has been a perennial problem in America's dealings with the world. It was the reason, for example, why the Bush administration was so surprised by the resounding 2006 electoral victory of Hamas, the Islamist group shunned as terrorists by most of the West, in Gaza."

What did we THINK was going to happen? Take an inexperienced man, throw some power his way, and OF COURSE he's going to fall into the traps of "tradition" and "whatever the instruction manual says!" It's doubly-bad for Obama, seeing as how he never really accomplished anything on his own without benefit of past legislation, the buddy system of corruption, or the tendril-connections of underground socialist movements. Think for himself? Why--he has George Soros and Bill Ayers to fall back on!

Well, okay--there's picking the family dog, but even that had him rely on Ted Kennedy.

The only thinking-on-his-feet is done at the basketball court, as he undoubtedly plots his next move as Hero of Victims.

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