Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Makes Me Mad About Obama's Policies

The clever (so he thinks) ways he can come up with redistribution schemes:

1. Health Care Reform--specifically, the public option. We don't need it, but he wants to take $1000-$1500/year out of MY pay and yours to fund the frails. That's a 12.5%-18% tax on the coverage I already have.

2. Cap-and-Trade--he wants to double or triple what we all pay for energy just to fund his "green initiatives." We don't need them, but he wants them, and I'd like to know who exactly is going to be able to afford plugging in an all-electric car at this point? With the recent news that OPEC nations are looking into moving away from the dollar and into "basket currencies" for pricing oil, maybe Obama's onto something--less dependence on oil trumps the new barrel denomination? Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, natural gas is through the floor, with more and more huge finds being capped off for storage. We've got more natural gas than we know what to do with. Cap-and-trade's not about the environment--it's about money: corporate money and consumer money.

3. Universal Savings Accounts--he wants to change the tax status of retirement accounts to "taxable", then he intends to replace them with one-time tax-free rollovers into savings bond accounts that don't pay out for at least 17 years. In other words, he wants to hit you with a 25% tax on your "new" taxable income (the loss of your 401k amounts to a 25% income tax increase, depending on amount diverted), then he wants to take ALL monies rolled over into the bond accounts and use it free for 17 years, giving you a paltry 0.25-1% return all the while. He says you'll get a guaranteed 3% return, but what's he got to guarantee it with? Besides, the stock market returns a historical average of 7% a year, and does way better in most years.

He wants US to be his new bond-buying sugar daddy because nobody else will do it.

4. Universal Savings Accounts part 2--the death of IRAS. We would all lose the tax-deductible status of IRAs, because they would be required to roll into the bond program, or become fully taxable. This loss of deductibility amounts to a 20% tax increase on your savings.

The whole point of IRAs and 401k accounts is to augment (or even replace the need for) Social Security, but no--Obama WANTS you to be dependent, so he's going to tax away your hopes of INdependence and give it to the zombie poor.

Okay, Obama--once everybody has a little something (just a little), THEN WHAT? What's the grand scheme for moving forward from here, once your precious social justice is achieved?

5. Of course, all the other little taxes we pay along the way will increase--you know, things like sales tax (a national sales tax is under discussion), property tax, excise taxes (usually paid at agencies like the DMV), personal property taxes (expect more of those--now, some states tax cars and computers, but look for more of this, with increases in rates). Other countries have a TV/telephone tax--look for THAT to appear in this country. Basically, we're going to be taxed to the point where we're all living in grass huts, eating out of cans over a dung know, like they do in Africa. Here's how to get around all the tax dinging. Our currency is purposely being devalued to slowly eliminate our debt, and it will cause hyper-inflation for us...on top of the hidden and visible tax increases. We are being thrown to the wolves so Congress can pay its bills!

Why is he going through all this (or GOING TO go through it all)? TO take money from us and give it to people who haven't worked for it, and couldn't save it if they did. He wants to expand the social safety net to the point of EVERYBODY being in it--then he gets to strut around like he's King Midas, fulfilling his ego dreams. Obama, the Patron Saint of Poverty.

Thank god he only has 4 years in office, and one year is almost down. I just hope the congressional committees can continue to drag their feet while holding his to the fire, and continue to vote down crap before it ever sees the light of a floor vote. Meanwhile, midterm elections are coming, and we can vote out his evil minions one by one until it's finally HIS turn.

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