Sunday, October 18, 2009

Funny How No One is Bashing Obama

From the Missouri News-Leader.

In the Letters section:

"Enough Bush-bashing. When I turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, all I see is people running down previous president George Bush. I am not much into politics, but I am on certain things. The people on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC just run down what Bush did as a president. He did make some mistakes, but from what I have seen in every president that I have been familiar with, was that there is no such thing as a perfect president.

If they really want to criticize the errors made by a president, then look at presidents before Bush. Such as Clinton; he was too busy messing around with another woman than running a country.

It's funny that no one will ever run down President Obama. Does everyone think he has done a perfect job since he became president? From my perspective, he has not even come close to perfect. I mean we are in a depression and a war that seems like it will never end and Obama wants a new health care plan that is going to cost a fortune. He also gets the Nobel Peace prize. Wow! He hasn't done a thing to promote peace for the world. We are still in the war, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan still hate us. He hasn't put much effort in the war. When I see him talk, he never talks about what we can do different to make peace and get out of the war. He talks about new bills he wants to pass and the new health care plan. I am not seeing any peace-making in this."

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