Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why Obama's Jobs Summit Was an Exercise in Futility

From the Examiner.

"Attending were Joe Biden, Democrat politicians, a bunch of academic eggheads and economists, a gaggle of nonprofit execs, a whole flock of union flacks including Obama’s SEIU allies, ACORN thugs and … oh yes, a handful of corporate CEOs who have shown support for Obama in every aspect of his presidency. In other words, he has invited to the summit a pack of his own yes men."

The Chamber of Commerce wasn't invited...but the Apollo Group and Van Jones were certainly there, along with every other Chicago crony that could book a flight.

Was the SBA represented? Probably not, unless they're ayes-man or Chicago crony.

This so-called "summit" was a meeting to discuss increasing UNION hiring at so-called GREEN jobs, so Obama can carry out his energy and vote redisribution policies.

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