Saturday, November 7, 2009

This Just In: Avoid Foreclosure--Rent Your Own Home

From CNN Money. Oh boy, do I have problems with THIS!

"Fannie Mae implements deed-for-lease program that allows troubled borrowers who don't qualify for loan modifications to stay in their homes."

My questions:

1. Who gets the equity when the housing market comes back?

2. What if the new owners want to sell the property while the "home owner" is still living there?

3. While the home is in government possession, will it get folded into other government housing programs, such as Section 8?

4. Will the new owners (the government) be installing a "smart meter" that will allow third party control over all electricity functions, including the thermostat?

This is nothing more than another revenue-making scheme to fund future government spending: how to make public housing pay. Welcome to Obamaland, or more specifically, Valerie Jarrett land! She, the Slum Lord in residence, figured out how to make a buck off Chicago public housing.

UPDATE: Later, found the reason for this program.

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