Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just to Bring Us Up to Speed With the Obama Happenings

The Nobama Network has carefully archived all the ACORN corruption videos.

How Obama's giving away the store on missile defense, and what he plans on replacing it with.

Here's a list of videos he's been indocrinating our children with in school:

Barack Hussein Obama kindergarten chant

The Story of Stuff (hosted by Greenpeace, paid for by the Tides Foundation--see ACORN, and loaded with TONS of errors)

The "I Pledge" video (produced by Oprah, and stopped in Utah by angry parents)

And this is all we KNOW about! Imagine what ELSE is floating around out there that we DON'T know about!! This is why it's imperative for parents to be involved with your child's school happenings in the classroom--Obama can't get through to us parents, so he's going for brain-washing our children. Next thing you know, your kids are going to be bugging you for not supporting the public option, buying a hybrid car, installing solar panels, or flushing the toilet so much(which is what I think he has in store).

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