Saturday, November 7, 2009

This Just In: In Eurpoe, Swine Flu Shots Available By Invitation Only

From Yahoo Health. What is this--a frikkin' GOLF tournament or something? People are dying!

Imagine this coming to OUR country--and it will if the Public Option is passed. Obama's world will have you clamoring for invitations.

"Here, and across most of Europe, vaccine to protect against the pandemic flu is mostly given by invitation only to those at highest risk for flu complications.

"That is one of the great advantages of the British health system," said Dr. Steve Field, president of the Royal College of General Physicians. "We have a list of all the names of patients who qualify to be vaccinated."

You have to QUALIFY? This isn't a Food Stamp program, buddy! So, if I have the correct FICO score, I can get a shot? Is that how Goldman-Sachs and Citibank got shots before everyone else did?

Why not just announce a PRIORITY LIST like we did here in America--children under a certain age and pregnant women first, followed by immune-compromised people and seniors and health care workers, then the general population?

Unfortunately, the REAL priority is "green"--the more of it you have, the more likely you're going to get a flu shot.

As for me, I've never had a flu shot of any kind, and never had the flu. I'm using the "optimal nutrition" method for keeping my blood at a pH level where germs, viruses, and cancers don't grow. You all can have MY shot!

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