Thursday, January 7, 2010

After Health Care, Obama Must Arm-Twist Senate on Climate Bill

From Yahoo Opinion.

"Mr. Obama’s persuasive style will be required to convince a dozen or so senators from coal-dependent states who are reluctant to tackle global warming. In two weeks, the Senate is expected to vote on a measure that would block the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from imposing strict limits on carbon dioxide emissions."
"Obama now needs to justify a climate-change law mainly on economic grounds. Fear of global warming doesn’t seem to work in the Senate. Many top lawmakers believe that setting a cap on carbon emissions will damage the economy – especially if America’s competitors around the world don’t do the same. And they say there’s little chance of Senate passage in 2010 if unemployment stays high."
"The White House is also orchestrating a raft of regulatory rules in many agencies such as the Interior Department that would force companies to take carbon emissions into account. One major step would require “climate change impact statements” in any federal approval of projects. Another would push land-use policies that encourage urban density in housing – and thus less driving."

It isn't going to matter if all the manufacturing jobs are overseas now, is it? Pushing urban density in order to curb driving is akin to rebuilding Cabrini Green complexes throughout the country, because there won't be any jobs to DRIVE to!

...and no reason to own a car...

Tenement housing, here we come--by then, everybody will be on the dole and Obama won't have the means to support us all. Green will quickly become brown, then black as we morph into the "fundamental change" he promised on the campaign trail--turning this country into a giant welfare state.

This is just one more explosive charge meant to collapse the system. Health care was the first one. Immigration reform will be the next one.

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