Sunday, October 4, 2009

From the Blogosphere: Obama--Olympics More Important Than Troops--Failure

From My Auburn Journal. This one's short and sweet, so I'll just insert it here:

"Despite his effort to get SEIU union jobs in Chicago by personally lobbying in Copenhagen for the 2016 Olympics, Barack Obama now has yet another failure to add to the impressive list of failures he is stacking up.

Most Transparent Administration - Failure

North Korea - Failure

Socialized Health Care by August - Failure

Iraq - Surrender

Russia - Putin is laughing at him - Failure

Iran - Laughing in our faces as they launch missiles and claim enough plutonium to build a bomb - Failure

Afghanistan - 43 dead troops since General McCrystal asked for reinforcements and no response - Heading for failure

Olympics in Chicago - Failure

Unlike Bush, who was disliked by many socialist nations in Europe and the world, but respected... Obama is a laughing stock and a failure.

Its going to be a rough 4 years as the "Novice-in-Chief" continues to flail away.

I do not take pleasure in this. It is truly disturbing.

Unless Obama dumps his leftist advisers and moves to the middle, he is going down as worse than Jimmy Carter and the USA is going to be in a dangerous and ultimately worse shape."

I asked this in a previous article: What exactly has he accomplished, besides getting elected and picking out a dog?

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